Saturday, December 1, 2012

“Life after the Interval”

                             “Life after the Interval”

Hello Everyone, Yes, the first question which would be coming to your mind after reading the title is “What kind of interval?” Yes, somebody would have even guessed right but anyways, the answer here is, as we have intermission in movies there is also an Intermission or Interval in our life and as like movies continue after the intermission we also continue our life after that interval. The life, which starts after the interval, which I am referring here, is “The Beautiful Married Life”. So today, I am going to put down some words, thoughts which comes to my mind which everyone of us have observed but few of them realize in right way and make their way peacefully. Let me put my words. Moreover, these are very general thoughts from my mind and so just read and think. I know everybody has it’s own point of view. Here is my point of view. There you go :).....

     Man or Woman has always been a fond of love and affection. Definitely, everybody needs it. I should say not only human beings but also every living and non-living things needs love and affection. But today here we would be discussing about a relationship between a boy and a girl after the marriage.
It really brings us into a different kind of world. After working long hours in office when both come home in the evening just a full fledge “hug” can relieve you from all your stress. Yes, it is true that after marriage two souls combine and become one but the bodies definitely needs its own space. Its not always both will like the same things, Yes, it can happen when one don’t like the thing which his/her partner likes. At this stage he/she has to understand the situation and act accordingly and feel good. He/she should not feel bad but respect about his/her liking or disliking. The ultimate thing in the marriage is “Mutual Understanding”. It feels great when both understand each other.  I know the feeling of getting to know your partner does not comes spontaneously but actually that is the step where you have to observe your partner. Actually, wife’s happiness should always lie in her husband’s happiness and definitely sure shot vice versa. That will be the true step for the second part of life or life after the interval to be full of happiness, love and affection.

     By saying here that do as per the liking of his or her liking and disliking I do not mean that you bound yourself and stop doing what your heart says. No, it should be never like that, let your partner do what he/she wants in life. You just need to be walking side by side at every step he/she goes because if he/she say you that or not but he/she always need support from you. Sometimes they are not able to speak up but understand them, read their eyes and act on it before they come and ask you to stand beside them. So it’s all understanding, which matters. The only thought right now, which comes to, my mind regarding the relationship is that “Trust is like a Paper, once it’s crumpled, it can’t be perfect”. “Trust”, this five-letter word is really a very heavy word. We all know that if he/she breaks his/her trust not only the interval but also the second part of life is completely ruined. Some even loose their beautiful life because of this nonsense act of his/her partner. That is also true those who do that are never ever happy after that in their life. Their life becomes miserable. Because that is true that the good or bad you do to someone, you have to face the result of it before you leave this Mother Earth. There is no hell or heaven.

     So the ultimate thing is know your partner very well, understand your partner give him/her love in abundance every single minute if possible, talk with him/her, discuss the problems, share the problems, come up to a solution and moreover don’t forget to keep saying those “three little Golden Words” “I Love You”. These are magic words, which we all know very well and please keep repeating them once, twice, thrice and thousand times. These words have powerful energy within them.

     Please never ever mix the professional life with the personal life. Many people bring the load of their office work to home and continue their work even after office hours. Please folks, it can definitely wait. Life with him/her is more important than your professional work. If she stayed at home all day, then after coming to home, talk to her, feel her happiness and plan to spend that very beautiful evening time together. Don’t just take out your office frustration on her and spill poison on your beautiful evening and relationship. If both are working professionals then it depends on their mutual understanding. But simply, just spend time together and feel good.

     Moreover, this interval brings more stars to the life of that wonderful couple when both change their title to Mother and Father. Yes, I am speaking of the entry of the baby in their life. It is the true, energetic, happiest, memorable time in both of their life. It’s the dream hour for both of them for which they have been planning. There is no limit to the happiness of this hour when the baby arrives in this beautiful world. There are tons of activities when both get engaged in welcoming their newborn baby. Do it. Have fun and live life as you want. Now the family number increases by plus one. Oh yes, sometimes plus two if it is twins ha ha..

     Anyways, I think I will have to end up here or else I will keep writing and will divert the topic into something else. But yes, the ultimate thing is “mutual understanding” which will make this life after the interval full of love, joy and happiness. The small things she does, the morning walk with her, little fights and then attempts to bring that smile again on her face, sharing, caring, being extra cautious during the baby time, that gossips sitting at the fire place for hours, cup of coffee, planning a trip, packing tons of clothes, shopping list, morning breakfast ha ha there is no end to it. It is not compulsory that both have same thoughts, if yes its good but if not then don’t worry you got to learn more from your life partner. You will have more things to explore in each other rather then having all things in common and complete match. Its good, everybody is unique on this earth. Go ahead and explore each other.

     So finally, however you want you can give shape to this life after the interval but yes, just love, love and love. Make this interval magnificent and memorable period of your life because if you think you can you will definitely make it because the central idea is it is your life and you can shape it as you like. So live life at it’s fullest and simply make it happen. I know everybody can.

     I cannot end without saying a thought because I am just crazy about great thoughts because they are not just words; they are someone’s whole life real experience. The one I remember now is as follows:

“You create your own Universe as you go along.”
                                       -Winston Churchill
“What you think, what you feel and what you manifests is always a match.
                                       - Rhonda Byrne

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